The whole world wide, every day,
fly Huginn and Muninn;
I worry lest Huginn should fall in flight,
yet more I fear for Muninn
-From Grimnism
Here is my latest poem published in HUNTERGATHERESS JOURNAL : VOLUME 2, 2009. The initial writing of "Valkyrie's Troth" was written under the Stars completely by Memory instead of paper or Computer. I wanted to capture some of that old Troubadour feeling which I speculate was composed for and inspired by Blood Memory. (Odin's Raven Mumin in the above Poem means Memory.) I did not realize it until later but it also incorporated some of the Anglo-Saxon Alliteration where "initial alliteration," the repetition of sounds at the beginnings of words or syllables was used.To really appreciated this Poem needs to be belted out on a Stage or around a campfire.
Valkyrie's Troth
In this TeenAge Age,
Of TeenAge Senility,
Where Pop Hop Propaganda
Create concrete conceptual
Crafting creeping conspiring
Where New Age Man
Anamalizes into Fellatio Bitches
And New Woe Man
Anal lies into Dildo Pricks
Shitting Pumpkins,
The Beast of TeenAge Rage
Before a Valkyrie's Troth.
High above
Vermin infested Villages
High above
Rising white collar Gulags
High above
Sky scraping sick babbling
TV transmission Towers
High beyond
A poisoned polluted Night
Occulting universal Light
On a Wintery Yule Tide,
A Winged Goddess
Angle of Death
Chooser of the Slain
Silently parts a pure Path
Through the chemically killed Sky
for a moment Hovering
In the hallow Halo
of that universal Light,
Then Swooping down
Onto its's Prey
Wings in flight
Giving mortal fright
To a teenage Boy.
Valkyrie of elder Worth
Volva seeing Rebirth
Pregnant with inner Earth
Wyrds the Boy a Man.
Sacrifice she demands
Sacrifice your Age
Sacrifice your Suffering
To the Best in Man.
A forgotten old Sword
Awakens, arises in the boy's
Immortal bold Soul.
Forged in divine Lust
Crucified on the Cosmic Tree
Whose Roots no one can see,
called by the Goths
Needful the Dragon Slayer,
by the Celts
Excalibur the Camelot Maker
by the Mystics
Tiwaz the Troth Seeker.
This Sword is once again
Smashing towering concrete Concepts
Into fertile Earth.
And then,
Pierces the conspiring Darkness
With Heroic Stars
That pour forth their
Now the TeenAge Age
Truly awakens.
For it has been demanded
By the Valkyrie's Troth.
For J who sees the Best in Man.
Schneider - 376 College 20020209,
rev. 200806011224 rr15eae