Thursday, February 11, 2010

ToBe 'I am the witness'

A master should not speak anything that is not deeply rooted in his mind, in his experience; that he has not known, he should not speak. He should only speak that which he has known, for which he can stand the witness, for which he can say, 'I am the witness' – only that.”
(pp. 34, Rajneesh's Vedanta, c1978 ISBN 0880501669)

“My emphasis is not on the approach; my emphasis is on the disciple. … Hinduism cannot be a world religion, Buddhism cannot e a world religion. Up till now there exists no religion which can be a world religion, because every religion chooses one approach.” (rr17ae, rr09ae)
“Whatsoever I am saying can be a world-comprehensive thing, because I don't choose any approach. All approaches lead to the same goal.” I have not a fixed approach. When a different type of person comes to me, I immediately change my approach. I always adjusts to the person. I never try the reverse. I never try to adjust the person with an approach. To me that looks absurd. (rr17ae, rr09ae)
“I don't make ready-made clothes for you and then say, 'Cut your legs a little because the dress …' I always cut the dress immediately if I feel it doesn't suit you. The dress is wrong, you are never wrong.” (rr17ae, rr09ae)
(Rajneesh's Vedanta, (Side Jackets) c1978 ISBN 0880501669)

“Ordinarily we use words without moving with them – even such beautiful words as 'love.' We go on saying to people, 'I love you,' not meaning it at all. You may not even be aware of what you are saying. If you were aware, you would be very guarded. How can you say such a sacred word, 'love', so easily? Or go on saying, 'I love my car, I love my dog, I love my wife.' You can love anything – even chocolate, ice-cream. Your love is not rooted any-where; you are not moving in it. How can a man love ice-cream? And if you can love ice-cream, then whenever you say 'I love' it is not reliable. Then don't say 'I love' to any person, because no person would like to become like ice-cream or chocolate.” (rr01aei)
But we go on using words, not to express something, but on the contrary, to hide something. Just watch: when you say to someone, 'I love you,' you may be just hiding hate. It was so bubbling you were afraid the other may come to know it, immediately you have to hide it: you say, 'I love you.' This must be some type of screen, some form of hiding, suppression.” (rr01aei)
(35, Rajneesh's Vedanta, c1978 ISBN 0880501669)