Friday, October 19, 2012

Jumping into lake without knowing how to swim

There is little you can achieve by Jumping into a lake if you don't know how to swim --Satyasangananda
When we live in an Age where Delusions are sold as Liberations, "Spiritual Materialist" believe they can, after reading the latest New Age Fad or taking a Week End Workshop with the latest New Age Star, just jump into the Lake of quick fixes for their Spiritual Ills. They believe in short Cuts, Technology, Crystals, Astrology, Divination, Drugs, Mediums, Gurus, etc. etc. etc. This is like wanting to swim across the Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness by renting a Motor Boat because we believe in Technology. Only when we truly understand the Words of Christ-Odin in the Shamanistic Ritual from the Cross-Tree, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34, will we will begin to appreciate what it takes to become a strong Swimmer. Only the HARD WORK of FOUNDATION Spiritual Disciplines, like we find in Dhyana, Vama Marga, Kundalini Yoga and the Xoting, can make us strong Swimmers.
Today yoga is practised in almost every corner of the world, but we do not really see any transformation in the conscious­ness of mankind. Where then does the fault lie? Is it in the practice itself? Not likely, because we can cite numerous examples of cases where it has been successful. It is more likely that the fault lies in the way we practise our sadhana; 'a bit of this and a bit of that,' whenever we care to do it. (Introduction, Satyasangananda's TATTWA SHUDDHI
Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati was born in 1953, Bengal, India. Highly educated, she was a scholar of English literature and also travelled widely within India and abroad. As a young woman of twenty-two, she began to experience profound inner awakenings, which led her to meet Swami Satyananda. In 1982, she was initiated into the Dashnami sannyasa tradition and began a life of dedication and service to her guru and his work.
..., vama marga, kundalini yoga and so on may sound appealing and exciting, but unless there is a strong foundation, your sadhana is sure to dissipate. Tantra terms this foundation for all sadhana as shuddhi or purification. (pp 2 Satyasangananda's TATTWA SHUDDHI
From a Xoting POV, shuddhi would be, the Process of slowly letting your Thoughts dissipate, thru two of the Foundation Xotings, the Rudolf Xoting and the UrVowel Xoting
However, on this point tantra differed from other philos­ophies, for what other philosophies termed as sin, tantra termed as a necessary experience for growth. Tantra says to utilize these forces of passion, anger, jealousy, guilt, shame and hatred by uniting them with their opposites. Only then can you experience unity. If you misuse these forces by creating a separation from their opposites, then the gap grows wider and unity becomes impossible. So, tantra speaks of purification but in a different sense. By the term purification it implies the release of energy from matter, so that the energy can unite with consciousness. (pp 2-3 Satyasangananda's TATTWA SHUDDHI
From a Xoting POV we can think of "matter" as ossified Thoughts. Thoughts create the Concepts a Energy and Matter. Thru the Xoting when we "purify" we mean releasing Thoughts. These Thoughts act like Clouds hiding the Clear Sky which is our No-Mind.