Reading duum Book, Fussell's POETIC METER AND POETIC FORM, Ik look up thru dum Moonbean Cafe Window, thru unem tangle dus Phone Lines, high above perched on top dus unem Lamp Post, Ik see uunen Pigeon alone.
Ik look back to dum Page "pleasures of meter are essentially physical and as intimately connected with the rhythmic quality of man's total experience as the similarity alternating and recurring phenomena of breathing, walking, or lovemaking." p6
Ik look back contemplatively to duum Pigeon as duum Wind ruffles uut's grey Feathers. Ik realize dun Pigeon is not alone. Ut is one with duum Wind, with d Cycles dus Day n Night, Summer n Winter. Birds can migrate using dum Sun, Stars n Earths Magnetic Field. It is in Harmony w dum Universe.
What is out des Harmony, that PROJECTS Aloness, that creates Heidegger's Fallness, is mis Mind. When Descartes said 'I THINK, THEREFORE I AM' he did not give aenen new Ground for Philosophy but revealed daen prehistoric Ground for Separation. Before Man's Hi-story, when we sat around Campfires surrounded by Darkness, it was not "the Dark Side" outside dum Circle that created Fear, Hatred, Aloneness but daem fiery Mind in dam Center das dam Circle, w it's continues squirrely Chatter, thaet separated us from dom Ground dos our TOBE.
First aner Seperation das Inner n das Outer was created. Dar Inner was dan Campfire das Mind. Dur Outer now became dun "Dark Side" which was really don Ground dos our ToBe. Im Abraham Religious Terms we became separated from God. God became dan Campfire Light, anen BURNING BUSH, anem Image das our Ego. Dor True God, dor ALL ONENESS became dun Evil dus Darkness. Soon dar Mind expanded "Inner-Outer" creating aenem Matrix, daes Time n Space. Daer Mind imposed Time n Space into dom World creating daem Illusion daes Separation n Death.
"The ticking of a clock constitutes an unvaried succession of regular sounds: when no one is listening to a clock, it goes tick, tick, tick, tick all day long. But let a human ear approach, and the clock goes tick, tock, tick tock, and the ticking now "becomes" rhythmical because the listening ear wants it to be." p18 And now EEOk realize more deeply that even dar Harmony n Rhythm that Ik projected on dum Pigeon is aner Illusion!
ONCE, Ik realize mos Immortality, mos ALL-ONENESS, then Aloness - Company, being loved - being hated, Life-Death become delights, silent Clouds passing in front dus Moon, all to be contemplated in Bliss n Joy.
--Tiwaz, rr09eeo
FROM: The Local (
[Excerpted (...) n Pictures added by Tiwaz rr02uah]
It was fifty years ago today...
Published: 16 Aug 10 17:53 CET
The Beatles might have hailed from Liverpool, but the band that changed the world got its big break in Hamburg. David Sharp traces the steps of the Fab Four fifty years later.
When John Lennon was once asked what it was like growing up in Liverpool, he quipped: "I didn't grow up in Liverpool. I grew up in Hamburg."
That’s because though The Beatles formed in Liverpool, they learned their licks in the backstreet clubs of the gritty northern German port city.
When the Beatles rolled into the shabby dockland neighbourhood of St Pauli in a small van early in the morning of August 17, 1960, Hamburg’s post-war resurgence was just beginning.
That same night, the then Fab Five of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Pete Best and Stuart Sutcliffe, a raggle-taggle gang of leather-jacketed, pompadoured Scousers played their first gig at the Indra, a self-styled ‘music and vaudeville’ club. This tiny venue, at Große Freiheit 64, is still going strong today.
Fuelled by a heady mix of youthful enthusiasm, raw talent and Preludin pills, the nascent Beatles hurtled through an eclectic assortment of rock, pop, and R & B covers at high volume and breakneck speed. The boys bunked in a windowless cell behind the screen of a local cinema, the now defunct Bambi Kino, at nearby Paul-Roosen Strasse 33.
After two months of incessant gigging at the Indra, five hours a night for 30 marks each, owner Bruno Koschmider promoted The Beatles to his flagship club, the Kaiserkeller, a short stroll down Große Freiheit towards the neon lights of the Reeperbahn.
The band shared the bill with rival Liverpool group, Rory Storm & the Hurricanes, whose drummer happened to be Ringo Starr. ...
A broken bottle’s throw away is the site of the Star Club (Große Freiheit 39), where The Beatles shared the bill with fellow Liverpudlians Gerry & the Pacemakers and big-name US acts like Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard. It went up in smoke in 1983 and only a gravestone-shaped plaque remains etched with the names of other Star Club legends such as Gene Vincent and Jimi Hendrix.
Prior to their stint at the famous Star Club the fledgling Beatles had graduated, in the words of McCartney to “the big club where we aspired to go,” The Top Ten, situated in a basement in the heart of the Reeperbahn (#136). Formerly the Hippodrome, a subterranean circus, today a disco, it was here the band really found their feet with an echo-laden, reverb-friendly sound system, perfect for The Beatles’ raucous performances, and slightly less dingy sleeping arrangements, in an attic above the club itself.
Round the corner is Paul Hundertmark’s Western Store where the Beatles assembled their trademark Hamburg look: cowboy boots, drainpipe jeans and Gene Vincent-style leather jackets. You can still go and get yourself kitted out in Beatles clobber at Paul’s store at Hundertmark 9. Then head for Wohlwillstrasse 22 and re-create the publicity shot taken by local snapper Jürgen Vollmer, who became a fast friend of the band, in 1960. John Lennon posed in the doorway of Jäger-Passage 1 as three blurry figures walked past him in the foreground. Those figures are McCartney, Harrison and Sutcliffe. The photograph was unearthed years later and became the iconic front cover of Lennon’s 1975 Rock ‘n’ Roll album.
When The Beatles returned to Hamburg in April1962 for their residency at the Star Club they were broken the news of bass player Stu Sutcliffe’s tragic premature death from an aneurysm. By the time of their second stint in November, Ringo Starr had become the group’s drummer, and the, now officially, Fab Four were big enough to warrant actual hotel rooms; first at the Germania (Detlev-Bremer-Strasse 8) and then at the Pacific (Neuer Pferdemarkt 30). Both hotels are still running and are a short stroll away from Heiligengeistfeld (Holy Ghost Field) where Astrid Kircherr, Sutcliffe’s German girlfriend, took the famous fairground photos at the Hamburger Dom that launched the new image she’d inspired them to adopt: collarless jackets and mop top haircuts.
John Lennon once bought a pig here, christened it Bruno after his boss at the Kaiserkeller, and chased it round the market causing such a commotion that someone called the cops. This time they weren’t arrested, or deported, but The Beatles’ love affair with Hamburg was in its final year anyway. They got back to where they once belonged, Liverpool, and recorded their first single, “Love Me Do.” The rest is history.