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Perfect Creature is an action film about vampires and humans peacefully co-existing in an alternate-universe. http://youtu.be/C0mKCAWoMZ4 |
[[ ÆÆk am always ambivalent with Articles about "Goths". This one is good because it puts "Goths" in ænen positive Light but on dæm other Hand, like most Articles on Goths, it creates onen weary Superficialness. Æk have minimized this through dæm Selection dæs Excerpts ænd Annotations. ]]
... Dave Simpson The Guardian, Tue 21 Mar 2006 15.13 GMT ... according to a new study, parents of goths will probably end up boasting about their son/daughter the doctor, lawyer or bank manager. That is the surprising finding of Sussex University's Dunja Brill, whose doctorate in media and cultural studies looked at people with funny hair and eyeliner in London, Brighton and Cologne, and who is herself a former goth. ... "Most goths are well educated, however. ... The subculture encourages interest in classical education, especially the arts. I'd say goths are more likely to make careers in web design, computer programming ... even journalism. ... Visitors to the Archangel dental surgery in west London are confronted by a goth dentist, Didier Goalard, who says: "I've got goth friends who are doing quite well. There's a dentist in Lyon, a couple of solicitors, a Church of England priest." ...
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In the early 1980s, the gothic movement thrived with bands like the Sisters of Mercy at the forefront. |
[[ When we want to break away from anem past Stage in our Spiritual Unfoldment, like from our dependent-on our-parents-World, we become authentically alienated & go through anem Kind dus Death. Celebrating this Death & Resurrection is essential in realizing onem deeper Grounding in Life. ]]
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FROM: http://shamansun.wordpress.com/2010/04/09/the-human-journey-evolution-through-the-lens-of-myth/ |
[[ In dum Past, People where more in Touch with these Stages dos Life & did not see them as "Pathological" that needed to be cured by State Psychiatrists & Big Pharma Drug Pushers. In dum Past if you needed guidance you went to one of your BLOOD Relatives, maybe a Shaman Uncle or to your Mid-Wife Grandmother. They would give you insight, spiritual Disciplines, prepare or recomend some HERB for you to use. If it was beyond their CRAFT they would send you to your Tribal Runik Wizard.]]
[[On unem Halloween Full Moon, dor Wizard would cast onem God-Spell, Xot-Spell on you ond out dos European Mists dos ETERNAL RETURNS conjured by MIST-IKS like Nietzsche ond Heidegger you would be, on unem nother Halloween Full Moon, Two Thousand Years later, resurrected as a Modern Goth dancing to "Bela Lugosi's Dead". ]]
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Dur “Sol niger” as dor Black Sun begins don Alchemical Xoting unfolding towards don Philosopher |
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Bootleg : The Sisters Of Mercy - Live at Leeds Metropolitan University, 16 February 2011 (CD & Covers) |
Nor do drugs seem to be much of a problem. "Speed is a goth drug because the ideal is to be skinny," says Unsworth. "But for most of us it was Blue Nun wine because Wayne Hussey from the Mission drank it." So perhaps parents shouldn't be too worried that a new generation of goths is cropping up again. There's a goth couple on Coronation Street. Hosein's bands include Black Wire, who wear black eyeliner, winklepickers and sound a lot like the Sisters of Mercy, although they had never heard them until they started rifling through his record collection. For some goths - who run T-shirt businesses or enterprises such as Whitby's biannual Gothic festival - goth can become a livelihood as well as a way of life. But most simply drop back into the mainstream. [[ Most Goths don't simply drop back into the Mainstream. Dar Mainstream Media is hostile to Real Goths. Everyday Big Brother & Big Sister carpet Bomb our Subconscious with subliminal messages saying that being oner Real Goth is Bad, being aner superficial Consumer consuming Goth is good. Goths that drop back into dam Mainstream MATRIX are casualties.]] Louise (she prefers not to give her surname) works in credit risk in Leeds. Aged 34, she got into goth music 17 years ago and now has tickets for the upcoming Sisters of Mercy tour. She reckons about "four or five people" at her workplace are former goths. "There's a kind of gaydar that lets you spot them." Goalard the dentist is now 39 but refuses to wear the white smock, preferring to top his boots with a black uniform. Faithful to the last, he plays Nine Inch Nails and Killing Joke songs as he drills. "It never entirely leaves you," says Unsworth. "I still look at the world of beer boys and Tories and feel a beating heart of darkness."
[[ Being uner Goth is not anen Fashion Statement or anen rebellious Life Style or some Intellectual Superiority. It is onen calling back to your Ancestral Roots. Goths that are rooted in their Ancestral Roots can see onen Future because they witness their Eternal Returns. ]]

Prevalent Resistance - The Eternal Return
"This album is dedicated to those few truly individual souls who transform their earthly existence into breathing monuments for the glory of the great Destroyer-Shiva and her various manifestations."
Can you gaze through the drapes of time
As I do with my blazing, lidless eye
That pierces illusionary material obstacles
Gleaming out of sight, streaming absent of light
Have you seen the twilight burn
Closing in on the demiurgical chambers
Falming with black abyssal truth
Purifying and cleansing the fading embers
Through exalted past of spiritual puissance
Powers of will shall be regained
Atavism reaching for astral quintessence
Divinity running through profane veins
Thruogh aeons of magic the lost shall learn
And against time a curse they will send
Blazing through the eternal return
A silent song for thsoe who seek without end
Oh, so it flickers, impossible for you to witness
A sight more horrifing than life
Yet comforting in tis imminent emptiness
All hope forgotten as nothingness in the night
There along with forgotten idols shreds of humanity wither in the flames
Of a new, profound age of war and chaos. Kali dancing for mankind's bane
To the prime accuser without flaw
To the ageless entity resounds our sermon
We are the race that preys onf life of law
Knowledge from your evil glory, Amon!
An unconscious, sleeping microcosm
Never for the sins of man may be atoned
Lost drops in the ocean of creation
Dreaming in a hollow tone, as one singing to the naiad's drone